As a child, I dreamed of owning my own horse and becoming a barrel racing cowgirl. My mother was single and raising three children on her own. So, my dreams just weren’t feasible at the time. Our family summer vacations consisted of us visiting my aunt and uncle’s horse ranch in Piketon, Ohio. There I got to groom and ride horses – this was the highlight of my year.

When I was 20 years old my daughter, husband and I started going to church where we were all three saved and baptized. I started being obedient to the Lord and my life drastically changed. God allowed me the desires of my heart. He blessed me with my first horse, Jersey Girl. Then, shortly after he blessed my little girl with her first horse, “JT.”

God put a lot of people in our paths to teach us. Luann Nolin, who was like a second mother to me, began to teach Lexy and I a lot and also taught us the barrels. My daughter is now that barrel racing cowgirl.

Our Mission

Here at Trinity Ranch we believe we’re blessed to be a blessing. Therefore, having had favor in relationships with trainers and horses, we’d like to bless others by using our ranch and horses to glorify God.